1. _Conference title_.
1. _Location_: as you start typing in this field matching options will be displayed for you to select from.1. _Participants_: the anticipated number of people who will be attending.
1. _Date_: you can enter this in dd/mm/yyyy format or click the calendar button to select the conference date.1. _Research field_: as you start typing in this field matching options will be displayed for you to select from. If necessary you can enter a research that\'s not listed.
To help in evaluating your *Budget* enter the projected total cost of the conference and then the total contributions being sought from other sources. The _Remainder_ field will automatically be calculated as you move to the final field and enter the amount you\'re seeking from the Paykel Trust.
Checking the *Agreement* box indicates your acceptance of the Paykel Trust board\'s decision on your grant application.
If you can\'t find exactly what you need to know, send an email message to [mailto:admin@paykeltrust.co.nz, the Paykel Trust administrator].