mppt-logo-02The Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust encourages the development of health-related research in New Zealand by providing funds for research support.

Scroll down to read about the four categories in which we provide funds, or click here to learn more about the Trust.

News for applicants

June/July Funding Round The second funding round for 2024 was completed on the 18th of July at the mid-year meeting of the MPPT Trust Board and applicants were advised of outcomes the following day. Trustees considered 95 applications and approved 45 grants-in-aid (totalling $234,180). Fifteen of 27 Project and Equipment, 27 of 63 Travel, and 3 of 5 Conference Support applications were approved for funding. Overall, the quality of the P&E applications was again high, with the cutoff score similar to the April funding round, and with scores for both rounds higher than for previous rounds in 2023. This was partly due to most applicants requesting the maximum ($25,000), with requests competing for limited funds due to lower-than-expected investment income, and partly due to a decision by the trustees late last year to increase the award amounts for the higher scoring applications. The trustees see this as encouraging the best of science where good ideas and approaches increase the likelihood of outcomes that advance understanding.

The trustees also reviewed two changes to the application process made at the April Trust Board meeting. The first concerned referee reports, requested by and sent to the applicants for inclusion in their Project and Equipment applications. For this round, applicants were asked to instruct their selected reviewers to email reports directly to the Trust. This proved to be successful with a noticeable lift in critical assessment which (paradoxically) helped most applicants achieve good scores. The second was a request to applicants to use a standard format for their CV. The preferred format, in common use, was the RS&T template. Again, this change helped the review process. Both changes have been incorporated into the Document guidelines for applicants and will be continued for future funding rounds.

The next funding round closes 1 October 2024 for Projects and Equipment (up to $25,000), Travel, and Conference Support. The following round for the same categories closes 1 March 2025.

As previously advised, please note that if you have a previous grant for which a report is outstanding, you will not be able to access the application templates or submit through the portal until the report is submitted. If a report is outstanding, you will see a notification when you log in to your dashboard. Note that submission of a report is sufficient to proceed; approval of the report by your institution is not required for you to continue with your new application.

Applicants are reminded that there is a one-year stand-down period for projects and travel. Further, applications for travel are only considered if the date of travel occurs after the relevant Board meeting. This means that there is no retrospective funding. 

Scholarships and Fellowships funded by the Trust can be found under the Scholarships and Fellowships page. Further information, including stipends payable, is available from institutional graduate student offices that administer the Trust’s programmes.

The office of the Trust is at 81 Grafton Rd, Auckland, the phone number for the Trust is 09 379 5316 and the email address for all Trust correspondence is

About the Maurice & Phyllis Paykel Trust

The Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust was established in 1973 by the late Mr. Maurice Paykel, philanthropist and co-founder of the Fisher and Paykel group of companies.

It is a charitable trust dedicated to the improvement of health through the support of research and sponsorship of research trainees in the health-related sciences.

The trust began distributing funds in 1975. Grants have been allocated each year since 1977, supporting projects in a broad range of health fields. A scientific committee assists the Trust Board with the ranking and selection of projects for financial support.

In 1980 the trust was incorporated as a charitable body under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.

Maurice Paykel 1914 – 2002 »




Purpose of the Trust

The trustees have discretionary use of trust funds to advance medical or paramedical science, including research and education.

In practice, most expenditure is on research projects and the training of health research workers, including travel to scientific meetings and attendance at training courses.


Charitable Donations

The Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust was originally empowered to make a limited number of general charitable donations each year, but lost this ability when Maurice Paykel died in 2002. Since then the sole function of the trust has been to support health research.

Another trust was established by Mr Paykel to provide an independent source of funds for general charitable donations. This is a separate charitable body, incorporated in 1982 and known as the Maurice Paykel Charitable Trust. Further information about this trust is available on its website,