mppt-logo-02Grants are available to support scientific conferences in health related fields organised by academic institutions or professional organisations within New Zealand.

Priority is given to conferences with an emphasis on research and research training – read on for more details.

Is my conference eligible?

Yes, if you have approval from the scientific organisation or institution hosting the conference, and you are a senior official such as the head of an academic department.

  • Note that Conference Support grants are not intended to support personal travel to attend overseas conferences. Applicants seeking such support should apply for a Travel Grant.

If you’re not sure whether your intended application is eligible, please ask the Trust office – contact details are at the bottom of this page.

What information is required?

Applications should include:

  1. Details of the conference and its significance in a New Zealand context.
  2. A breakdown of expected budget and an explanation of the sum requested.
  3. Evidence of approval by the host institution.
  4. Acknowledgement that the decision of the Trust Board will be final.
  5. A proposed method of acknowledging the Trust’s sponsorship.


How do I apply?

  1. Create an account
    Applicants should create an online account for submission of applications and reports.
  2. Complete the application form
    The online application form can be accessed by logging into your online account.
  3. Attach supporting documentation
    An applicant must upload at least one document in support of the application. Please refer to the Document Guidelines below.
  4. Provide required approvals
    Applicants based in universities should check with the university research office to confirm local requirements before submitting an application.

When can I apply?

Applications for Conference Support Grants are considered by the Trust Board three times a year. Applications can be created and submitted online in the eight weeks or so prior to these dates:

  • 1 March
    for the April meeting of the Trust Board
  • 1 June
    for the July meeting
  • 1 October
    for the November meeting

N.B. University/institutional applicants should advise their Research Office of their intention to apply at least 10 business days before the above deadlines. Remember that institutions will have their own internal guidelines which must be followed.


When will I hear the outcome?

Funding decisions are made by the Trust Board at its next meeting – usually four to eight weeks after each funding round closes. All applicants are then notified by email. The MPPT office will also send copies of notification letters by post if these are specifically requested by applicants.


Recipients of Conference Support grants are asked to provide the Trust with a brief report after the conference has been held.

Please download the following template, complete it, and then upload it through your MPPT user account (once you’ve logged in you can do this through a menu item on your dashboard).

A copy of any published proceedings of the conference will also be appreciated by the trustees. All information supplied will be held in confidence.

If you have any questions, please contact the MPPT office.





Document guidelines

  1. Your primary application document should be no more than six pages, with a font size of 11pt or greater. These pages should include the following information:
    • A one page overview of the conference objectives and content in lay language, showing its relevance to human health and scientific knowledge.
    • Up to four pages detailing the planned keynote speakers, workshops and plenary sessions.
    • A one page budget that includes justification of requested items in order of priority, and a note of other funding you have obtained or are seeking.
  2. Supporting comments should be included from a senior representative of the host institution or organisation. Note, however, that referee opinions are not required for this type of grant application.
  3. You may attach any other documents you believe are essential to a full understanding of your application.
  4. Note that each application has a limit of 2MB for all attached documents. If you’re unable to compress the necessary information sufficiently, contact the MPPT office.